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Pulau Pangkor 马来西亚邦咯岛

邦咯岛 (Pulau Pangkor)位于马来西亚 霹雳州西海岸,是公认的世界上最美丽的岛屿之一。历代以来,它不仅以金色的沙滩、清澈的海水和凉爽的海风掳获了万千游客的心,更凭借其优越的海湾地形为来往于马六甲海峡的商旅提供了庇护之所。作为马来西亚最早的海滩胜地,邦咯依旧保持着原始的美丽,成为游客梦寐以求的世外桃源。邦咯岛是由九座小岛组成的岛群中,最大的一座岛。邦咯岛的居民多以捕鱼为生,全岛面积虽小,但设施齐全,住宿方便且消费大众化。该处的历史古迹有荷兰炮台、富有中华民族建筑风格的寺庙、设有迷你万里长城的福灵宫以及沙爹制造厂等,都是这里的旅游卖点。默加海滩是岛上最大且最受欢迎的海滩。岛的对岸,便是著名的幸福岛,岛上宁静安逸,让人犹如置身於世外桃源,流连忘返。此外,九屿岛则是一处垂钓的天堂,让许多垂钓发烧友,尽享钓鱼乐。

绿中海是世界十大知名度假海岛之一,也是全马来西亚最美丽迷人的贵族海岛。 绿中海的海水颜色像翡翠一般碧绿,所以又被称为“翡翠帝王岛”,拥有难得一见的原始热带雨林和丰沛的自然生态景观。 绿中海是一个私人岛屿,它的口号是:“One Island, One Resort(一岛一酒店)”,扬名国际的Pangkor Laut度假酒店就座落在这个具有特色的岛屿上。虽然这个岛屿拥有300平方公尺面积,但只有一小部分被发展为酒店及度假屋,保留住了大片的200万年历史的热带雨林。

Pulau Pangkor it's a bliss to live almost next door to Pulau Pangkor in the Malaysian state of Perak! The island's name is translated as "Beautiful Island". It is located on the west coast of the Malaysian Peninsular, halfway in between Penang and Kuala Lumpur.
Some of my friends say I live on paradise island when they see my pictures. And that is how I feel about it too!

What is the attraction?

Pangkor (pulau means "island") consists of nine islands. Only two of them are inhabited: Pulau Pangkor and Pangkor Laut.
For the locals the island is famous for the beaches such as Teluk Nipah, Coral Bay, Teluk Belanda and Pasir Bogak. The most famous local product of the island is ikan bilis(anchovies) and other dried fish products that are irresistable to the locals.

地点/Location: Pangkor Laut Island, Lumut, Pangkor, Pulau Pangkor 32200, MALAYSIA.
电话/Tel: +603-2783 1001

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