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Fluorescence River-Sungai Selangor 马来西亚雪兰莪州传说“萤光河”

传说马来西亚雪兰莪州有一条“萤光河”, 每到夜晚成千上万只萤火虫飞来飞去, 光芒闪烁, 演奏出光与影的小夜曲. 记者近日有幸泛舟河上, 欣赏这奇妙的自然景观. “萤光河”位于马来半岛中部的瓜拉雪兰莪县, 这个县的名字在马来语中的意思是“雪兰莪河口”. 雪兰莪河两岸的沼泽湿地里生长着红树林, 为萤火虫的繁衍生息提供了良好的生态环境. 据当地朋友介绍, “萤光河”一年四季都能看到, 无雨、月光暗淡的夜晚是最佳观赏时间. 每逢太阳西下, 萤火虫就开始点亮“灯笼”, 直到凌晨时分才陆续熄灭, 夜夜如此, 不知疲倦.

Night-walking Fluorescence River-Sungai Selangor, Malaysia. Everywhere firefly hangs on the tree, like the christmas light, making the trim waters be full of the vitality and intelligence. Some of them bend down on the body branch motionless, some dance in the air in the branches and leaves, flicks shines; Some hide behind the leaf, reveals point by the leaf blade faintly “shyly”; Some simply directly fly in front of us, accompanies about by a fluorescence us.

地点/Location: Sungai Selangor, Malaysia.

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